

Animal Welfare Koh Chang’s HELP POINT  is a small SANCTUARY for very OLD and DISABLED  street animals that can NOT SURVIVE on the STREETS anymore. It can be compared to a retirement home or a REHABILTATION center. It has nothing to do with a usual animal shelter. The HELP POINT is registered with the Lifestockdepartment DLD Trat  and is allowed to house 30 sick and DISABLED ANIMALS.

The places in the small sanctuary are limited. OLD, blind, disabled, paralysed and SICK street animals are taken in.  We are painfully aware that we cannot help all animals. But when we help, we do so at a HIGH level. Because these MALTREATED animals deserve only the BEST after all they have been through. 

And although we are very happy about this HELP POINT, we continue to focus mainly on NEUTERING and vaccination, because this prevents misery before it happens. For us, this is clearly the most sustainable and IMPORTANT TASK we have to accomplish.

our Protegés

Some stay forever, others we care for
until they are healthy again. 

Piture: blind Adam – he will stay forever!

Help Point's 70 former patients and residents That recovered & nursed back to health by us.our permanent residents or the one that went over the rainbowbridge are not included


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The strays of Koh Chang need your help !

However much you choose to donate, you can trust it that your kind gift will always be used in the most efficient way possible to help the maximum number of animals which are in need.

We are looking forward to meet you. Ask for AGNESA and PAH they are  the GOOD SOULS  of the place!

We ask you to respect that the Help Point is a drug and alcohol free place. As we are dealing with sick animals that have been through a lot, we need to have a clear head 24/7.